Page name: Half-breeds Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-03 18:43:45
Last author: *Leric*
Owner: Kiristo
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Welcome to Half-breeds Unite! This wiki if for all you half demon half humans out there. Here you can do what you want!^^ Talk, tell stories, hang out, or anything else you can think of doing. Please enjoy your stay, just look around, maybe even join.^^ We are alway happy to welcome you in!^^

lets see, not many here!^^
1. Please don't ask to join, just join.
2. Please add you description of what you look like next to your name.
3. Have Fun!^^



Description- Big blue pheonix wings. Fox ears and tail. Bloody red, cat-like eyes. Fangs and claws. Rest looks human.

2.[Eloura] I am a black wolf with geen eyes i have the wolf ears tail and furry body except face other than that i am human.i think.

3.[Rose Whip Uke] I have tiger paws, tiger ears, two tiger tails, one of his eyes look like a cats,and besides that I look human with orange hair.

4.[Raikyu.]i am a human wolf with green hair,2 pionty ears on top of my hair,with a pointy greeen tail,fangs,claws.could turn to human.

5. [Kiki the Witch] I may look human at first glance, but upon closer inspection, people will find that I have sandy brown Coyote ears, and tail, with yellow eyes... Oh, and I have this off-the-wall tendency to call myself a samurai.

6. [Akayume] Half cat demon and half human, I go out of my way to hide my apperance. I have sleak black fur, and tainting eyes. Piercing yellow eyes. I like to do anything to pay the bills-theiving, assainating, and being a merconary.

7. [firedragon1] half wolf and fox. but also human. orange fire eyes. and redish grayish fur when wolf or fox. When i am human i have dark brown ish readish hair.

8. [Konobi]- A simple Neko, having cat ears, and a cat tail. Both of which are coloured purple. Acts like a cat, sometimes. Big weakness is being pet like a cat. That's when he becomes slightly more affectionate, aybe too affectionate...

9.[Ikko] Half unicorn/half elf wears an anceint roman dress of Athena.Blonde hair and moonlight blue eyes.When Elf all men say she's more beautiful than any fullmoon and flower.

10. [drakkar] part racoon part human deep brown eyes and a little mask of a burglar a cute little furry burglar

11.[dressedtokill] half human half vampire assassin, long wavy brown hair, slender body, dark amber eyes, pale/ivory skin, always wears a blood-red dress.

12.[Ouka] half human half wolf.Black fur,one green,one blue eye.Claws and teeth both very sharp.

13. [raynesprite] half sprite (fairy-type spirit if you didnt know what a sprite was) half werewolf. Usually I look like a human with sprite wings, in that form I wear red-lensed flight goggles and a black and white striped tube top with hearts on the front but in my other form (which is pretty small for a werewolf but almost twice as feirce rar XD lol) I have pink fur with white markings on my belly, the inside of my ears, and on the tip of my tail, I also have black markings on my muzzle, my tail, my arms, legs, forehead, and ears. I have marking-shaped tattoos on my chest, arms, and "elsewhere" (XD lol) I have blood red eyes, VERY long ears like a fennec fox, a very big bushy tail, and white hair ^_^ (I will have to get a good pic up soon its hard to describe ^^")
kay here ya go:

14. [LunaSoleil] Half wolf demon. I look like a human for the most part, except for a few major differences. I usually wear simple clothes--a nice skirt with a tank top. And I have pointed brown wolf ears and a fluffy brown tail. I have stunning crystal blue eyes and light skin, with flowing, waist-length, brown hair. My nails are a bit sharp, and so are my teeth.

Contests 'n things
Half-breed badge contest
Half-breed RPG

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2004-12-06 [Eloura]: hey rika i tried to help you by making the RPG work ok???

2004-12-07 [Kiristo]: ok, i don't mind!^^ i ahve no i deas anyway.....

2004-12-07 [Eloura]: okies i hasd fixed the spelling is all i think. so what is th3e rp about???

2004-12-08 [Kiristo]: i have no ideas.....well i've got the first part kinda planed. It starts a worrier had been in a feirce fight with a dragon, and was knocked unconcious. When he awakes, he is in a cabin and all his wounds have been bandged up. Then he hears what sounds like a battle going on outside. He is able to stand and goes to the cabin door and opens it. He see that the cabin is in the middle of a cherry blossom meadow. Then sees two half-demon girls fighting. he sees another pair of half demons standing watching the fight. the two other half demons are a boy and girl. The two girls brawl a bit, and then see the worrier they saved standing at the cabin door watching them. They talk, and it goes on.

2004-12-09 [Eloura]: are the two girls going to be you and me????

2004-12-09 [Eloura]: if so that would be awsome if not that still is awsome. * smiles in a great mood*

2004-12-09 [Kiristo]: i guess, although it'll be my first RPG, i think i'll pull it off.^^

2004-12-10 [Eloura]: YAY. and i have a lot of faith in you just let me know when you do start it ok.?

2004-12-10 [Kiristo]: ok, might be a little bit, i have so much on ET i need to do first.

2004-12-11 [Eloura]: tis fine anything i can do to help???

2004-12-12 [Kiristo]: uhhh......can you help set up things like rules and things like that on the rp page?

2004-12-12 [Eloura]: ya i shall whatcha want though??? no cussing stuff like that???

2004-12-12 [Kiristo]: I'm not too sure about rules.......other things like descriptions examples for the ppl who want to join the rp.

2004-12-12 [Eloura]: okies.

2004-12-12 [Kiristo]: things like that

2004-12-12 [Eloura]: ok.

2004-12-12 [Kiristo]: oh, if you want to know what i'm doing exactly, go to Rika's Fanfics. not to meantion I'm trying to keep up with all the wikis i'm on, in ET.

2004-12-12 [Eloura]: that is ok i can understand it.

2004-12-12 [Kiristo]: ^^ kay!^^

2004-12-12 [Eloura]: okies.

2004-12-12 [Kiristo]: *yawns, ans watches Full Metal Alchemist*

2004-12-13 [Q_Q]: hey

2004-12-13 [Kiristo]: hi

2004-12-13 [Q_Q]: so whats is this i am a wiccan and in wicca i am a wolf so thats why i am asking

2004-12-13 [Eloura]: I am not sure for kno2w when rika gets back.

2004-12-13 [Q_Q]: o ok

2004-12-14 [Kiristo]: well are you at least half human? or walk and talke like one?

2004-12-14 [Q_Q]: yes i do

2004-12-16 [Eloura]: *sits and then goes to make up the rules*

2004-12-17 [Kiristo]: then go put your name and description up.

2004-12-18 [Eloura]: question so far are the rules good???

2004-12-18 [Kiristo]: yeah, i looked!^^

2004-12-18 [Eloura]: it is ok then??

2004-12-18 [Kiristo]: yes^^ there great!

2004-12-19 [Eloura]: ok. anything else you want me to add???

2004-12-19 [Kiristo]: uhh.........*thinks*

2004-12-20 [Q_Q]: hi all i am back

2004-12-21 [Kiristo]: what up?

2004-12-21 [Q_Q]: i lost my best friend

2004-12-21 [Kiristo]: what? how?

2004-12-21 [Q_Q]: i was or as shre say an ass hole she was my x and she stilll loved me a lot and i guys every time we got to gether she wold love it and we wold have fun the i wold not call here or something

2004-12-21 [Kiristo]: that's weird....

2004-12-21 [Q_Q]: what is

2004-12-21 [Kiristo]: why she would do that because you didn't call her...

2004-12-21 [Eloura]: *sits down being calm and relaxed trying to cause no problems*

2004-12-22 [Kiristo]: *blink blink*

2004-12-22 [Q_Q]: yes thats one reson

2004-12-22 [Eloura]: *medataits*

2004-12-23 [Kiristo]: *sings*

2004-12-23 [Eloura]: *blocks out all singing then stops medatating and starts to sing carol of the bells*

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